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Animal Control


Keep pets indoors during fireworks displays!

Animal Control
5791 Bennoch Rd.
P.O. Box 40
LaGrange, ME 04453

Ph: (207) 943-3983













In the state of Maine, Animal control officers complete basic training and are certified by the commissioner within six months of being appointed.


Animal control officers attend mandatory advanced training programs to maintain their certification. They must have a minimum of eight hours of annual training.


The Animal Control Officer is in charge of animal welfare for domesticated animals (cats, dogs) within the community and assists in the return of lost animals to their owners, or to the Animal Shelter.


For help with chipmunks, skunks, raccoons, foxes, weasel, woodchucks, porcupines, squirrels, bats, English sparrows, European sparrows, pigeons (rock doves), and European starlings, contact the Registered Animal Damage Control Cooperator for the LaGrange area, Rick Schoonover. He is an independent contractor available for hire from 7:00am to 8:00pm:


Work:   (207) 258-7000



2023 dog licenses are currently available at the Town Office.  The deadline for licensing your dog is January 31st, 2023.  Registering by this date will ensure that you do not have to pay a $25 late fee.  Fees for licensing are listed below.




  • All dogs kept in the State of Maine must be licensed by January 1st of each year.  

  • Late fees start on February 1st. 

  • Wolf Hybrids can only be licensed if they had one prior to June 1st 2011. If not licensed by that time, a wildlife permit is required by Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.

  • All dogs over the age of 6 months are required to be licensed.  

  • Proof of rabies immunization must be provided by the dog owner for it to be licensed.  

  • Spayed and Neutered dogs are only $6, unaltered dogs are $11.  

  • Certified Service dogs, Search and rescue dogs, law enforcement dogs are exempt from the licensing fee. They may not be exempt from any late fees or fines for failure to license the dog. 

  • Owners of dogs that violate dog licensing laws can result in fines up to $100. 

Upcoming Events


Bangor Tractor Supply 1161 Broadway Bangor, ME 04401


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