Maine Cottage
on Pennamaquan Lake
for Sale by Owner
All-inclusive price:
cottage, furniture, boat, motor, trailer, tools, lawn mower and more! Move right in!
Pennamaquan Lake
Pennamaquan Lake
Area (acres): |
1193 |
Perimeter (miles): |
8.2 |
Mean Depth (feet): |
13 |
Max Depth (feet): |
24 |
Delorme Page: |
37 |
Fishery Type: |
Coldwater + Warmwater |
Smallmouth Bass fishing is great here!
2015 Maine Open Water Fishing Rules
Pennamaquan Lake Area
Click Here for information on Charlotte
The DownEast region, well known for its many scenic harbors and classic fishing villages, offers stunning landscapes, rich history and many recreational opportunities.
Watch America’s first sunrise from points DownEast and enjoy the unique character of the rugged beauty in this spectacular part of Maine.
There's always something to do and see "Way DownEast," where you can tour the historic port of Eastport, enjoy Quoddy Head State Park, and tour FDR’s summer home on nearby Campobello Island, Canada (bring your passport or passport card).
Observe sea life in Passamaquoddy Bay aboard a windjammer cruise. In Calais, you can visit the St. Croix Island International Historic Site. Fish for salmon and trout in nearby Grand Lake Stream, and keep your camera handy for wildlife sightings!
For more information on the many things to do in the area, watch the two videos to the left.